Tuesday, November 15, 2011

LAD #13 John C. Calhoun

In this speech, Calhoun says that slavery is a issue that can no longer be ignored. He says that he has 
"endeavored to call the attention of both the two great parties which divided the country to adopt some measure to prevent so great a disaster". He forsaw that slavery was an issue that one day might dissolve the union the founding fathers had worked so hard to create. The issue of slaery was dividing Congress, as even the dream of manifest destiny was beign haltered by the introduction of a new state into the union would cause a frenzy of activity from both sides of the issue. Next Calhoun addresses the tariff. He states that "It is well known that the government has derived its revenue mainly from duties on imports." He feels that the tarrif heavily favors the north and that if unity wants to be kept in the nation then the removal of the tariff might be in order.

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